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Accomplishments & Progress in 2001
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J.C. and Larry (sons of Virgil & Kari Bushman) painting trim on the old "Ice House".  We're not exactly sure what this building was called.  My Uncle Harold Bushman says it was called the "Little House". 
Finished Ice House / Little House... with new door & locks, painted trim, etc.  We kept the existing paint on the bricks.  On the north side there is an outline in the paint where the original "Milk House" was... over the original cistern.  A more modern Milk House was later built at the rear of the 1-room wood house, but it was also torn down many years ago.
Larry Bushman and friend (Wilbur?) painting the front fence.  The local Boy Scout Troop also helped with painting one day... on the West Fence.
Laura & Susie Turley and Larry, DJ & Wilbur painting the front fence.  The fence was scraped first, repaired in a few places and then painted.  It took two coats and several gallons of paint.  The old, weathered wood just soaked up the paint.
Susie Turley painting bottom level of the front porch.  Andrew Turley (Rob's son) cleaning the entryway.
Zelda Turley (Jesse Bushman's youngest daughter) painting front porch.  Zelda is John Bushman's next to last Grandchild (101st or 102nd?).  Zelda is my beloved, dear Mother... who puts up with me.