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Accomplishments & Progress in 2001
This is the SSE corner the area with the worst damage to the bricks.  Runoff from the porch ran right down the middle of this window and then down the wall washing away the soft lime mortar and much of the adobe bricks inside the wall.  As the corner settled the soft bricks were broken into pieces. 
First stepstart removing some bricks.  You can see where the adobe had been repaired earlier from the inside.
Harvested bricks being laid in place.  The bricks are replaced a section at a time kind of like a jigsaw puzzle and you MUST be very careful that sections don't collapse while you're doing this.
Remove next section of broken bricks... and then replace with more of the bricks harvested from the kitchen area.
Final product.  Compare to photos on top of page.
NOTE:  Bricks and mortar were repaired all the way around the main house from the windowsills down... which was by far the most critical part.